Tuesday, May 10, 2011




I got my lovely jawspreader in the other day...in case any of you are wondering, it's kind of like a retainer that pulls your teeth outwards in order to make a 'wider smile'! That's what the orthodontist said, at least. The first few days were absolute hell. I couldn't hardly eat or speak, but that was a week ago, and I barely notice it...but saying 'Fruit Loops' is still a little difficult. Only 5 more weeks! *cough*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Old Fashioned Beef Stew

I developed this Beef Stew recipe when I was 14 (just last year, haha) and my entire family loves it. I thought I'd share it with you all. Some minor changes can be made, but be sure to keep the basics! I like this recipe because it is so flexible, you can add something new each time and it will still be delicious. Children love this stew as it isn't loaded with Lima beans and nasty things, and so will any guests as it's hard to find a picky eater that doesn't love beef stew. Makes a great winter or holiday dish, but still tastes great any other day of the year!
Recipe Calls For:
  • A LARGE pan for soups and stews
  • 1 1/2 lbs. beef stew meat OR 2 lbs.
  • 1 quarter cup flour
  • 3 TBS. Olive Oil
  • Steak Seasoning (I prefer Kirkland brand)
  • 8-12 Medium sized Gold Potatoes*
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • About 10 carrots
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 5 bay leaves (optional, but necessary)
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • Worcestershire sauce to taste (Lea & Perrins is my favorite!)
  • Beef Bouillon powder/cubes to taste or two boxes of Beef Stock
  • Rosemary, Oregano or Basil leaves (optional)
 *Try not to use red potatoes or russet, they are too flaky and will fall apart in the stew. Gold/yellow potatoes are best for this, they hold their shape and taste much better!
  1. Heat olive oil in pan. Cut the beef stew meat into one or two inch pieces and roll in flour, coating evenly. Add meat to oil and braise on medium heat until outside is barely browned, then splash on some Worcestershire. (add a lot! It gives it flavor!) Do NOT cook all the way through.
  2. Add a generous amount of steak seasoning and minced garlic. Slowly pour about 6 inches of water over meat and add the bouillon or beef stock. Increase heat to high. Cut onions into desired size, add. Peel carrots and cut into slices, not too thin and not too huge, either. I like to cut them diagonally to make em' look fancy! Do not peel the potatoes, but give them a good rinse and cut them into bite sized pieces, not too small. Stick those babies in the now bubbling stew that is already smelling fantastic. Now for the spices and seasonings. Rosemary is good to add, but only in it's crushed form. Basil is also great, as it gives it a nice flavor and adds some zest. If you like, you can add a few squeezes of lemon juice, but I like to keep it simple. Add more bouillon if desired, but be careful, it is very salty and can easily ruin your dish if you add too much!
  3. Cook the stew over high heat for about 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are nice n' tender. This if beef stew, not rock stew. If the consistency of the dish is not thick enough, add some more flour. Put the peas and bay leaves in now. Thaw the peas before you put them into the hot stew. If you put frozen peas in very hot liquid, they often turn white and look gross.Simmer for 10-15 minutes, then it should be ready! Salt and pepper to taste. This dish is easy to store and freeze. Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
 I feel old now.

Axe body spray = EVIL

I was sitting in Algebra today chatting away to my good friend Alyssa when Dustin, the class dickhead, whips out a small canister of Axe body spray. Guys apparently have some sort of immunity to the stuff. He covers himself head to toe in the concentrated evil and shoots me a cheesy grin, as if he could see my lungs quivering in pain. Aggravated, I cover my nose and look at Alyssa, who is gagging like a hooker with Emphysema that has just been drowned and resuscitated twice. I turn my head to Dustin, about to ask him to cut it out, when I see the small metal can pointed at me. There is nothing more terrifying than a canister of Axe, not even a can of HIV infected snakes. So, I do what comes naturally. Duck. My head hits the desk, but not before he could get a good spritz of the ungodly fluid in my eyes and mouth. It's affect is that of holy water on a possessed person. Through my rage and gags, I reach out and grip his hair in my hands and proceed to slap him and jab for his eyes, but eventually I am led to the bathroom to rinse the stuff from my eyes. It still lingers (strongly) on my clothing.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Introduction to ME

Hello, Xin chào and Salve! I am Ciara, bringer of rain and meatloaf. This is not some blog about why I love pineapples and flying squirrels, no, it is a blog about me and why I love casseroles, kayaking, making little doodads that don't work and belching my abc's, although f is as far as I've ever gotten. Call me simple minded, you may be right, but I am mostly sane. Logic is something I lack, but I am somewhat of an English wizz. Journalism sounds very promising at the moment. Summer is the season I live for, mostly because school is out and the weather is warm, but I love camping in the backyard, evading meth heads on my trusty bicycle and surfing the internet until 6am. I mention the season because I look forward to nothing more during these gloomy times. Inversion, lift! LIFT! Winter in Utah is about as fun as moldy oatmeal. When it's hot, however, you can ride a bike up to the cemetery and see the dead people. Woo hoo. I think I'll bring popcorn.